Does Pineapple Belong On A Pizza?
This week on Makeovermonday,I came across a dataset that questions which ingredients belong on a pizza. More specifically what is being really considered is whether pineapple belongs on a pizza.The datset consisted of the responses of 3,683 Britons taken in the month of february 2017. It shows percentage of males, females and total number of people who like various toppings on their pizza.
The original visualization describes a pizza in the form of a pie chart broken down by % of Britons who like pizza categorized topping wise.
What works for this visualization?
- The total% of Britons who like their pizza by topping is shown clearly.
- The title of the visualization makes a clear conclusive statement.
- The footnotes highlight the toppings that were not included in the viz leaving no room for doubt.
What does not work for this visualization?
- A pie chart shows parts of a whole that should add up to a 100%. Here the various percentages go well beyond that.Here the slices aren’t equal making it difficult to envision parts of a whole the pie chart was intended to communicate.
- Humans aren’t good at distinguishing differences in the slices of a circle; especially not at a glance.We are much better equipped to notice differences in the shapes of a rectangle.
- From a design perspective, a pie chart takes up a lot of space to convey a set of data compared to other options.Pie charts make data more complicated than before.

How did I improve on the visualization:
- I used a table to show the relationship between the %of Brits who liked various toppings on a pizza. Of the top ten most preferred toppings 65% of the Brits liked mushrooms on their pizza. This was most preferred even across gender.Pineapple was tied on the 8th spot with sweetcorn.
- I also used a barbell chart to show the differences in taste across gender in terms of various toppings when ranked from most preferred to least preferred.Beef,Pepperoni,Chillis,Jalapenos and Pork turned out to be widely disparate in taste prefernces between males and females.
- It can also be seen from the chart that most meat and chilli options were heavily favored by men over women. Women enjoyed fruit and veggies more than men.Women were more likely to enjoy spinach than men by 12% points. Also,when it comes to the question on pineapples, women enjoyed pineapples a tad more than men by 4% points.
- Anchovies, Tuna and Pork were least preferred by both males and females.
This brings me back to the question:
Does pineapple belong on a pizza?
For the Brits, there are other toppings that pizza makers need to be wary of. Pineapple is not a huge concern atleast for the time being.
Here is the link to my latest viz:!/vizhome/DoesPineappleBelongOnAPizza/Dashboard1